Easy ways to get started


Hopefully you will have read the last article on gratitude (if not click here) and the incredible benefits that come with practising gratitude. But what does practising gratitude mean?

To truly reap the benefits of gratitude journalling, it’s helpful to try and integrate it into your daily routine.

Here are a few suggestions to make this practice a seamless part of your life:

  1. Morning Ritual: Begin your day with a moment of reflection and gratitude. Set aside a few minutes each morning to write in your journal, expressing gratitude for the opportunities and experiences that await you.

  2. Evening Reflection: Wind down before bed by reviewing your day and highlighting moments of gratitude. This practice will help you end the day on a positive note, allowing you to enter a restful state of mind.

  3. Gratitude Jar: Create a gratitude jar where you can jot down notes of appreciation on pieces of paper. Whenever you experience something for which you are grateful, add it to the jar. At the end of each month, read through the slips to reflect on the abundance in your life. This is a really nice thing to do with kids if you have them (I’m forever commenting on how ungrateful my children are so I think I’m going to give this a go!).

  4. Digital Journalling: If you prefer a digital approach, consider using a gratitude journalling app or an online platform. These tools offer convenience and accessibility, allowing you to capture your thoughts on-the-go.

I’m offering you lots of different suggestions and that’s because this isn’t a one size fits all approach. Please know that, that we only need to pick one for it to be helpful. This isn’t meant to overwhelm you in any way. Just give you options. We can have the best intentions to practice this stuff but then reality can often take over and we don’t commit as much as we would like. Please know you are not alone if this is you. It’s important to show ourselves compassion and also try and find ways we can make it work for us if it’s important to us. This may mean changing our priorities, putting our needs first if we can, and saying no to things that might get in the way of your own self-development.

Self -development is an ongoing journey, and there is no one correct path. Be kind to yourself whilst on this journey and see what happens. No pressure, just a bit of curiosity and motivation to develop yourself.

I hope you have a lovely day,
